7 Quick Self-Care Ideas For Busy Moms
When you’re a mom, there’s seems to be no time left for yourself. Kids, chores, work—all seem to come first. So, we’ve put together quick self-care ideas for busy moms like you.Read More
When you’re a mom, there’s seems to be no time left for yourself. Kids, chores, work—all seem to come first. So, we’ve put together quick self-care ideas for busy moms like you.Read More
Reiki Love Yoga is an innovative approach to healing the Chakras through a combination of Reiki & Yoga. Beginners welcome!
Feel nature’s embrace, listen to the breath of the Earth, and re-connect to your deeper self by practicing yoga outdoors.
Practicing yoga connects us deeply with the elements and energy of the universe. In fact, one of the meanings of the Sanskrit word yoga is “union”, “connection”. By developing self-awareness through yoga we explore how we’re linked to the earth beneath us and the environment around us.
Many aspects of yoga are about being in the moment and at one with nature and the universe. That is why so many asanas (positions) reflect animals and nature. By putting our body into the shape of a tree or exploring the graceful wingspan of a bird, by breathing like the cycle of tides or the ocean, a sense of harmony, timelessness, and connection to the universe is evoked. Yoga is commonly practiced indoors; but when practiced outdoors, it brings union with nature. Breath after breath you feel the inner peace you were missing so long.
Limited to 15 spots.
Do you ever feel like a sheep in wolf’s clothing? Do you question your value, and accomplishments and dread that one day you may be exposed to be the fraud you feel like you are? You are not alone. In truth, research has shown that well over 50% of men and women face daunting self-doubt, insecurity, and feelings of inadequacy – coined imposter syndrome. Follow these 6 simple steps to crush the curse of self-doubt and build confidence to overcome imposter syndrome. Read More