Acupuncture in Sudbury, MA
“The World Health Organization has Recognized Acupuncture as Effective in Treating Mild to Moderate Depression.”
– Andrew Weil
What is Acupuncture?
Through the painless insertion of hair-thin needles into acu-points, acupuncture smoothes the flow of energy and nudges the body back into balance.
Acu-points have been described as the points of least electrical resistance into the body – points where the body lets you in. There are hundreds of acu-points spread out over every part of the body. The acu-points are located on meridians, the channels where chi flows. The meridians connect to all parts of the body. This is why a symptom in one area of the body (like the abdomen) can call for a point in another area (like the ankle) to needle. We then needle these points in different combinations depending on the desired response from the body.
Only sterilized, disposable needles are used at Good Chi Acupuncture in Sudbury, MA. We dispose of all of our needles as medical waste in biohazard sharps containers.

What is Chinese herbal medicine?
We live in nature and nature lives within us.
When you neglect the disrupted flow of chi for too long, deficiency and excesses of bodily substances ensue. Chinese herbal medicine excels at nourishing deficiencies and dissolving excesses, again restoring balance to the body. An example of bodily substances is fluids. An excess of bodily fluids can present as mucous clogging the sinuses, while a deficiency of fluids will show as dryness – such as dry mouth, dry skin, etc.
While Chinese Herbal medicine is a medication and should therefore only occur when prescribed by a licensed acupuncturist, it differs from western pharmaceuticals. Herbs do not have a chemical action like drugs but a balancing, physiological action. Often the goal of western pharmaceuticals for chronic illness is to replace a function previously performed by the body, albeit inadequately. Subsequently, the body becomes reliant on the medication to perform that action. Chinese herbal medicine aims to strengthen the body so it can eventually perform the action on its own.
Chinese herbs combine into prescriptions specific to individual patients’ present conditions and unique constitutional tendencies. For this reason, patients can feel relief from their condition without having to endure side effects. With a proper prescription, the only side effect in Chinese herbal medicine is the relief of other symptoms a patient may not have realized connected to their main complaint.
Our Acupuncture in Sudbury, MA starts at $100. Please click the Book a Herbal Telemedicine Intake Appointment link for more details.
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