How To Spot Spirit Signs
You may have heard of signs from Spirit and even laughed at some of them. You can laugh because some of them seem like a bunch of bologna, and you can laugh because some are so wild that you couldn’t even make them up! However, some of the stories of meaningful coincidences are uncanny enough that even the most cynical have to wonder, “what larger forces are at work?” Another common question is, “how do you distinguish what are the signs for you, and from what particular Spirit, if any, and how do you know it’s not a mere coincidence?” This guide will help you distinguish more distinctly how to define the ways Spirit works in your life, through signs. Let’s explore how to spot spirit signs.
Follow Your Heart
The first and strongest recommendation in determining Spirit signs from coincidence is to follow your heart. If something happens and you simply know it is a communication or part of a bigger picture, trust that feeling. In my work as a psychic medium, I commonly notice that, while there are so many “signs” we easily pick up on, often much more is missed. If a sign comes, and you notice it, and you FEEL it to be true, that creates a trifecta for trust.
An example of how I followed my heart and spotted a spirit sign
For example, I have a significant person in Spirit named Sean. The other day, after he came through in a reading I received, I saw a license plate that said “Sean.” We know now that the person driving the car who acquired this license plate has – potentially! – absolutely nothing to do with myself or my Sean in Spirit. Furthermore, Sean is a common Irish name, and there are many Irish and their descendants in my location, upping the likelihood of there being someone named Sean around us. However, the fact that my Spirit Sean had just come through in a reading, and I saw the license plate right after and thought of him as well, is all significant.
Bear in mind, I know many people named Sean who are still living. I could have thought of any of them instead. But moreover, I may not have even noticed the plate at all. This is an example of our own innate intuition guiding us. I saw a sign – a license plate – which could have been meaningless to me or gone unnoticed altogether. I noticed the sign, and a deeper part of me noticed it as a Spirit Sign. This is one significance.
What about Coincidence?
Now, of course, you may very reasonably say that this is still a coincidence. Sure! But having said that, the person with the license plate driving on the road at the same time as me, in a location of millions of people, would be uncommon. I’d never seen this plate before, and was also from my home region. In addition, this happened while I had this specific person in mind, and right after talking about them. So timing is hugely key here, which brings us to our next distinguishing factor.
Trust the Timing to Spot Spirit Signs
Trust the timing. If what could be a sign arrives at a significant time, this is another distinguishing feature of how to spot Spirit signs. For example, a sign from my beloved aunt in Spirit is ladybugs. On my birthday, I found some ladybug tattoos. I knew they were from my aunt, because not only are they one of her specific signs to me, but they arrived on my birthday. This specific aunt never forgot a birthday either, so it would be very like her to send me something on my birthday. So, in this case, with my aunt and her sign of the ladybugs for my birthday, we have the feature of timing and personality aspects.

Ladybug as a spirit sign
The Aspect Of Personality in Spotting Spirit Signs
The aspect of personality is another thing to consider when marveling over meaningful coincidences that could be Spirit Signs. As we noticed above, my aunt never forgot a birthday, so it would be distinct to her personality to make her presence notable on my birthday. Timing is relevant if you see signs at a time important for you, your Spirit person, or both. This adds to the significance that separates it from mere coincidence.
Additionally, remember when a sign comes in a specific form that would be true to character for your person in Spirit. Often, as one example, in Spirit sessions, certain sayings will be expressed that are so characteristic of the person in Spirit, or the way they would express it. So, for example, if you have a friend in Spirit with a wild sense of humor, it would stand to reason that they would send you signs at the most absurd of times; or they may find ways to make the sign particularly funny, to give it their personal signature of wanting to make you laugh; just like they would have done when they were here with us!
Shared Memories
One last amazing distinction of a Spirit sign is things that ring true for the person in their habits and your shared memories with them.
An example of Shared Memory as a way of Spotting a Spirit Sign
For example, if your grandad smoked a pipe, pipes – or pipe smoke – may be a sign from him or an added confirmation of a sign. I have an uncle who I always associate with peat fires, and on his birthday once, someone gifted me a little miniature cottage with some peat to smoke inside of it. The friend who gave me this gift did not know it was my uncle’s birthday, or how I connected him with turf, so how uncanny is that? In this case, the timing of his birthday and the peat reminded me so much of him. Double whammy!
When my aunt, mentioned above, comes through in readings from one of my students, and she mentions brownies, it is a special confirmation because she had a famous brownie recipe everyone loved, which she made with me often. This is another example. These specific references that are true for your person are often sent by them to you so that they’ll be harder to doubt as their messages from the great beyond.
Connect with Spirit by Identifying Signs with Intention
Finally, remember that you can send signs to Spirit, as well. For example, if there’s something you associate with them that you have a particular fondness for, you can set the intention and tell Spirit that this is a sign you recognize for them. Choosing and sharing this with them is a great way to build your own direct communication and a key for receiving messages.
An example of intentionally Showing Spirit a Sign
Another example is, I was mentioning brownies and my aunt before. Sometimes, when I want to celebrate my aunt in Spirit, I will bake her brownie recipe with special intentions. While making and baking, I’ll talk to her, think of her, and share them in her honor. It’s a way of showing Spirit our signs, which fosters the bond between us, across the spectrum of existence. Ancestor altars are another great example of sending messages to the Spirit, instead of simply waiting to receive them.

Erica Lee, psychic medium: “When I want to celebrate my aunt in Spirit, I will bake her brownie recipe with special intentions.”
Spotting Spirit Signs Around You can be Fun!
So, the next time you’re at the supermarket on your grandma in Spirit’s birthday, you drop a carton of her favorite beverage on the ground. And the ensuing spillage forms in the shape of her face, you’ll know from the favored item creating the silhouette, with the timing of her birthday together, that it’s too good to be a coincidence! Instead, it’s a confirmation of her presence and love! Also, remember that it doesn’t even have to be that intricate. If your best friend loved the pearl earrings you gave her and always wore them, and you happen to spot some pearls while you’re thinking of her, this is enough for her to say, “hey, I’m here with you, and you matter to me still.”

Erica Lee, Psychic Medium at EveryBody in Mind Wellness Center, Sudbury, MA
Guest Blog Contributor: Erica Lee, Psychic Medium
From a preschool child chatting to her faithful and long-departed grandparents, to casually relaying messages from other grandparents to her friends in kindergarten, Erica’s gifts of Spirit were evident nearly as soon as her life began. Seeking to better understand the art and science of spirituality and evolve her inherent talent, she has engaged in comprehensive study and scientific research with some of the most well-respected mediums in the world.
If you’re interested in attending one of Erica Lee’s group psychic medium readings, check out her group psychic medium reading outdoor event in Sudbury, MA, on October 28th, 2022.
Or, if you’re interested in developing your own psychic abilities, Erica will be offering a psychic development class at EveryBody in Mind Wellness Center in Sudbury, Massachusetts, on November 12, 2022.