Please join Reiki Master and sound healer, Emmy Mathis, for a pop up, donation-based, crystal singing bowl sound healing event, in celebration of International Women’s Month, the Spring Equinox, and the astrological New Year!
All month long, EveryBody in Mind Wellness Center, has been offering donation-based services to celebrate and honor International Women’s Month, and this will be our culminating event!
Donations can be made to Parmenter Foundation directly, or feel free to offer a cash/check donation at the event. Please bring cash or Venmo to tip our sound healer who is donating her time.
Come enjoy a beautiful sound healing to welcome the Spring!
This event will be recorded and photographed, participating in this event will give EveryBody in Mind Consent to use your image for marketing purposes. Your image will not be sold, and, if you prefer to not be on camera, please let us know and we will do our best to accommodate you.

Please only sign up if you intend to attend since space is limited, and only 25 spots are available.

Click Here to Sign Up