Wanting a Better Year Ahead? Hypnosis and New Year’s Resolutions.
When the New Year comes in, a lot of us want to start the year right with a New Year’s resolution. But it can be hard sticking to it consistently, right? Well, we’re showing why you need to consider hypnosis to keep your New Year’s Resolution. Yes, hypnosis and New Year’s Resolution—a great match!
Wanting A Better Year Ahead

Hypnotherapy for New Year’s Resolutions
So if you’ve been eyeing personal change with the New Year, you’re not alone. About 45% of Americans will likely make a resolution too.
According to Statista, the most common resolutions in 2021 were becoming more physically fit, losing weight, getting a better diet, and going after a career ambition. Other people want to quit smoking or drinking too much.
Sadly, by the 2-week mark, approximately 30% of them have kind of given up the whole “New Year, New Me” mantra. And worst, after 2 years, only 19% have kept their resolutions.
That’s a bit of a downer, huh?
But, no worries. We’ll be sharing some approaches you can try so you can actually set out what you intend to do for the year.
In a 2020 study, the largest New Year’s resolution study to date, researchers have found that people who add an action rather than avoid or stop one would probably be able to stick to their resolution for a year.
This means, a slight twist in how you word your resolution helps— changing “I’ll quit” to “I’ll start.” And of course, you need to have action steps and strong determination to keep going.
Sometimes though, sheer willpower isn’t enough to make a sustainable change.
And that’s when hypnosis can help.
Hypnosis and New Year’s Resolution

Hypnotherapy for New Year’s Resolutions
You see, with the help of a qualified hypnotherapist, you’d be able to open the gate into your subconscious— where things such as fears, doubts, and past trauma may be stopping you from making lasting personal changes.
For a lot of people, making a conscious decision to change may not be enough because adding a new habit needs both repetition and reconditioning.
When you only work on a conscious level, eventually you might feel defeated by those subconscious beliefs.
For example, if you binge eat, you might subconsciously believe that a whole chocolate cake in one go can make you feel less stressed. So if your conscious mind is going against your subconscious, most of the time, the latter wins.
That’s why hypnosis works. It can help uncover the workings of your inner mind.
When done properly can help rewire your brain and create a whole new you. In time, your subconscious mind would be working hand in hand with your conscious mind, eliminating doubts and fears and stacking good habits.
Aside from this, your hypnotherapist somehow acts as an accountability partner. First, he or she can help evaluate your progress. As you continue, you can work together to check if you’re going in the right direction. Moreover, he or she can offer support for those readjustments as you move forward.
Under hypnosis, you get to understand who you are on a deeper level. And through those sessions, you figure out which parts you want to take as you undergo transformation.
So, if you’re serious about embracing long-lasting changes and want to achieve your goals, you can book a hypnotherapy session with an experienced clinical hypnotherapist and founder of EveryBody in Mind Wellness Center, Carla Chalah. Learn more about Carla’s approach here.