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If you’re looking for a good sweat session, you might be wondering about infrared saunas. This technology isn’t new but it’s getting hotter by the day. Question is, “Is infrared sauna safe?”

But before we answer this question, let’s first talk about the differences between traditional and infrared saunas. Also, you might want to know the benefits of infrared saunas to your health, in case you’re thinking of trying it.

Traditional Sauna Vs. Infrared Sauna

You might have tried a traditional sauna before and are curious how it differs from an infrared sauna. Let’s quickly break down some major differences between the two, shall we?


The temperature in traditional saunas ranges from 150 to 185º F. On the other hand, for infrared saunas, it’s between 120 to 140º F.

While both types of saunas result in you feeling hot and sweating profusely, you might want to go for infrared saunas if you want to spend more time in them since the room temperatures are significantly lower.

Heat Source

For traditional saunas, the air is heated up by fire, gas, or electricity. In contrast, infrared saunas use heat waves that penetrate the body, raise the core temperature, and make you sweat a lot.

Heating time 

When you go to a traditional sauna, you’d probably need to wait about 30 to 40 minutes for the room to heat up to about 160º F. But for the other type, you technically can start as soon as the room is turned on. Though some might choose to wait 15 minutes for the room to be preheated.


Traditional saunas can accommodate more people compared to infrared saunas. People socialize and even have parties in this type of sauna. However, if you want a much private escape, choose an infrared sauna since the room design and sizes are smaller.

What are the benefits of Infrared Sauna?

Research shows that being in an infrared sauna can have several health benefits.

First, it may help lessen chronic fatigue. A 2015 pilot study showed that Waon therapy, a dry heat treatment in an infrared sauna was able to reduce the feeling of fatigue among the participants. Also, their feelings of anxiety and depression were significantly reduced after this therapy.

Moreover, it may help ease muscle soreness. In another study made the same year, researchers concluded that infrared sauna helped the male participants recover faster from strength training.

In addition, this type of sauna may lower blood pressure. According to a study published in the Canadian Journal of Diabetes, 20-minute infrared sauna sessions done thrice weekly for 3 months reduced the participants’ blood pressure by 6.4 mm Hg.

Interestingly, it may also protect from oxidative stress as shown in a 2004 study on urinary 8-epi-prostaglandin F(2alpha), an oxidative stress marker. The participants had 15 minute daily sessions for two(2) weeks and their lab results show reduced levels of this marker.

Is infrared sauna safe?

Generally speaking, infrared saunas are considered safe with no side effects. However, it’s better to consult your doctor before going if you are:

  • Taking certain medications (diuretics and beta-blockers) since they affect your body’s ability to sweat.
  • Pregnant or may be pregnant
  • Someone with a compromised immune system
  • Drunk or under the influence of drugs

So, if you’re ready to experience the health benefits of infrared saunas, just book a session with us at Everybody in Mind Wellness Center. The sauna is coming in March 2022!