9 Best Sagittarius Crystals To Add to Your Collection
People born under Sagittarius are known as highly intelligent individuals who love freedom, honesty, and good humor. However, they tend to shy away from commitment, burst into anger, and preach more rather than do the work. Sagittarius crystals can help support and balance this zodiac sign’s energy.
Curious which ones to add to your crystal collection? Read on.

Sagittarius Zodiac Sign
Which Sagittarius Crystals Work Best?
Blue Goldstone as a Sagittarius Crystal
While this is a man-made stone, blue goldstone fits the Sagittarius personality as the stone of courage and ambition. It consists of quartz sand infused with copper. The interaction brings about its unique sparkle.
Some believe Italian monks invented it in the 16th century while others think the Venetian family Miotto first manufactured it in the 17th century.
It’s pretty useful for growing wealth as it gives luck when it comes to money matters. When it comes to personal use, it encourages authenticity, something many Sagittarius people aspire to achieve. Aside from these, it can uplift when you’re feeling low.

Blue Goldstone
Black Onyx as a Sagittarius Crystal
This powerful stone’s name comes from the Greek onux, which means “nail” or “claw.”
According to legend, this gemstone becomes darker as it absorbs negative energy. They say even Cleopatra wore it for protection.
As for its healing properties, it’s protective and grounding. It’s great for this fire sign because they can sometimes be impulsive and have a quick temper.
Moreover, it can help maintain harmonious personal relationships. You can also use it when you’re feeling drained or overwhelmed as it helps balance energy.
This is a must in the Sagittarius crystals collection.

Black Onyx
Lepidolite as a Sagittarius Crystal
This mica crystal is commonly pinkish purple in color.
Lepidolite often called the “stone of transition.” This nickname is quite apt since it contains lithium, a common component of anti-anxiety medication.
Its name comes from the Greek for scale because of its ability to bring back harmony and balance. It can give you a sense of awareness, giving you mental clarity before taking action. Also, it can help replace negative thought patterns with positivity and openness.

Bronzite as a Sagittarius Crystal
This beautiful stone is perfectly named for its golden bronzy specks. It’s a “stone of certainty” because it can aid in clarifying your thinking and actions. You can turn to it for help in making important decisions in life.
Among all the Sagittarius crystals mentioned, this is good to have when you are placed in uncertain and new situations because it helps removes self-doubt.

Malachite as a Sagittarius Crystal
Malachite, with its vibrant green color, is a “stone of transformation.” It can assist you in changing negative patterns and overall spiritual growth.
This healing crystal’s name may have come from the Greek malakee, or malache which means ‘resembling Mallow leaves” or malakos which translates to “soft.”

Apache Tears as a Sagittarius Crystal
This healing crystal is from black or dark-colored natural volcanic glass. It’s actually a type of obsidian. Obsidian is recommended for Scorpio.
You’d remember it well since this gentle stone can aid in dealing with grief. Plus, it can help you heal from past emotional wounds.

Apache Tears
Lapis Lazuli as a Sagittarius Crystal
This deep metamorphic rock has been sought after for its intense celestial blue color. It contains lazurite, pyrite, and calcite.
Lapis is Latin for “stone” while lazuli comes from the stone’s Persian name lājevard. Also, Lapis Lazuli is a place in Afghanistan where this gemstone has been mined for thousands of years.
During ancient times, Egyptians used it as a symbol of the night sky while Sumerians believed the spirits of their gods lived in this stone.
As a nurturing stone, this Sagitarrius crystal is helpful for those seeking connection with their inner selves. It enhances creative and intellectual abilities. It inspires you to take charge of your life with confidence.

Lapis Lazuli
Blue Lace Agate as a Sagittarius Crystal
This gemstone exudes sophisticated elegance with its banded white and light blue shades. It contains a type of quartz called chalcedony.
Since Sagitarrius people have energetic minds, they could use blue lace agate as a worry stone.
As a nurturing and supporting stone, it helps dissipate anger and negative energy so it’s useful in situations with tensed communication.
Interestingly, a Japanese study concluded that people born in winter, specifically December to February showed a greater inclination to hostility and anger. Perhaps this is one explanation for the Sagittarius’ temper.

Blue Lace Agate
African Jade as a Sagittarius Crystal
Last but not least in our arsenal of Sagitarrius crystals is African jade.
Its luscious green color comes from the fusion of several minerals— fuchsite and epidote-chlorite.
Its name comes from South Africa, specifically Barberton. It’s typically called Buddstone or South African Jade.
If you have long-distance partnerships, whether personal or business, this is a handy crystal to have for solidifying them.

African Jade
So, which one of these Sagitarrius crystals is your favorite?
Make Sure to Cleanse Your Crystals
Before using healing crystals or tumble stones, you need to cleanse them first.
Why you ask?
It’s because crystals change hands and the transition can disrupt their natural vibrational state.
So, for them to align with your intentions, you would need to cleanse them. There are many ways to do so depending on the type of crystals you have.
If you’re new to crystal healing and zodiac crystals, make sure to read our quick beginner’s guide. Everybody in Mind Wellness Center sells various crystals and crystal chakra bundles in their store.
Better yet, experience their healing powers through Reiki and Crystal Bed Therapy. The crystal bed is a powerful way to align your chakras.
By the way, how do you keep your crystals? Do you put them in pouches, crystal kits, or display them on a crystal shelf?

Crystal Pouch