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The chakras are an important part of your spiritual identity, particularly your solar plexus. As you learn more about them you discover intricate parts of yourself. Crystals are one of the best ways to heal and restore clogged chakras. Read on to learn the best crystals for the solar plexus chakra.

What Is the Solar Plexus Chakra?

The solar plexus, or Manipura, is the third chakra. It is one of the energy centers within the body that govern your transformation and ego. It is the source of your personal power and functions as the center of your self-identity and confidence.

The chakras affect your physical and mental health as well as the wellbeing of your mind, body, and soul. The solar plexus is instrumental to your general happiness and quality of life, therefore it’s crucial that you recognize the symptoms of a blocked solar plexus so you know when it will restore its energy.

Here are the main signs of a blocked Solar Plexus:

Signs of Blocked Solar Plexus Chakra

  • Low self-esteem
  • Lack of purpose
  • Aggression
  • Insecurity
  • Digestive discomfort
  • Feeling helpless

If you recognize any of these symptoms within you it’s time to take action. With the right crystals for your solar plexus, you can restore your harmony and feel good about yourself, indefinitely.


Solar Plexus Crystals

This list of solar plexus crystals will transform you. Whether you use them to meditate, wear them as jewelry or carry them around with you they will provide you with the healing you need. Here are the best crystals for the solar plexus.



This prosperous stone is associated with power and abundance. Using it alongside the solar plexus will unblock the energy center and restore positive vibrations to your being. With its sunny optimism and success-yielding properties, you can be sure to achieve your goals with the help of this crystal.Deep Clean Citrine Sage Bundle

Citrine is considered to be one of the most powerful healing crystals for the solar plexus. It is empowering, the metaphysical properties within this stone are life-changing and will balance out your chakra. Use it to promote wealth, increase your finances and develop healthy self-esteem.



This dazzling delight will fill you with determination and help you to tap into your personal power. Also known as fool’s gold, Pyrite can increase your vitality and protect you from negative outside influences. It radiates with positive energy and can penetrate through your auric field to work with your solar plexus chakra.

Pyrite is a great meditation stone, as you focus on your upper abdomen where our solar plexus is you will feel more aligned and refreshed. With this powerful divination tool, you will feel as though you can conquer anything. If you haven’t used Pyrite what are you waiting for?



Yellow Jasper

Capture the essence of courage and confidence with Yellow Jasper. With its influence, you will feel more in control and aligned with your higher self. It is also a great crystal to use when you are dealing with high levels of stress.

When your solar plexus is out of balance Yellow Jasper can provide deep healing with its nurturing energy. Using this stone will improve your feelings of self-worth and remind you of how incredible you are. Realign and restore with the cleansing properties of Yellow Jasper.


Yellow Topaz

Start manifesting magic with the powerful energy of Yellow Topaz. This brilliant gem will bring you joy and good fortune. It can be used to help you attract your desires and co-create with the universe.

Yellow Topaz Crystal

Yellow Topaz will help you to be more driven and focused on your goals. With its energy, you will recognize your potential and learn to use your talents to support your quest for greatness. The solar plexus loves this crystal.


Yellow Tourmaline

Crystal connoisseurs and beginners alike should add Yellow Tourmaline to their collection. Its stimulating energy will unleash stagnant energy from your solar plexus and purity its center, restoring the chakra to optimum levels. It is brimming with life force energy that will inspire and motivate you to go after what you want.

You can’t help but feel positive around this stone, its infectious vibe is everything that you need to mitigate negativity and help you to find your inner vibrance. Yellow Tourmaline is also said to be lucky, using it will open up doors and encourage you to go after opportunities. It truly is a winner’s stone.


Golden Quartz

Cleansing and restorative, Golden Quartz is known to work with the entire chakra system and it has a special relationship with the solar plexus. The healing and balance that this crystal provides for the solar plexus are nourishing, supportive, and miraculous. It can soothe even the most blocked chakra and help you to heal.

If you want to tap into your inner creativity then golden quartz is the answer. It can unlock your inner Picasso and guide you so you can use your skills for more success. You’ll feel on top of the world when you use this magnificent crystal.


Rutilated Quartz

Rutilated Quartz Crystal for Taurus

Rutilated Quartz Crystal

Stunning and striking, Rutilated Quartz is the jewel of the chakras. It is a great choice to use with the solar plexus chakra as it maximizes its power. When it is held close to this chakra it can restore its energy and encourage positivity to take hold.

If you are feeling unsure of yourself and the direction that you are going in Rutilated Quartz will guide you and give you the confidence you need to work through your problems. It will empower you to be your authentic self and discover your greatness.


Your wellbeing is at the heart of what we do. With our variety of classes, coaching, and readings, we aim to provide you with everything you need to refresh and restore your energy. Based in Sudbury Massachusetts, our wellness center is open to the community. We help those in need and always keep Everybody In Mind.

Are you interested in self-improvement? See what we can do for you and browse our range of services, which include a crystal bed that will help align your charkas, at Everybody In Mind Wellness Center.