Angelic Wisdom with Maureen Mann to Begin 2021
Welcome Our New Monthly Guest Blog Contributor – Maureen Mann
Guest Contributor Blog by Maureen Mann – Spiritual Counselor and expert in angelic wisdom.
Welcome to 2021!
Carla Chalah of EveryBody in Mind Wellness Center, and I, want to provide you with practical, spiritual guidance to help you navigate the months ahead.
Each quarter, I will be delivering messages from the Angels.
Therefore, I will help you be aware of which energies are active, what you are being influenced by, and how you can live an empowered life.
What lies ahead…
Planning and patience will be required until March when you will be on your way to manifestation.
As a result, the Archangel to call upon for support over the next few months is Archangel Nathaniel. Nathaniel is the Archangel of Life-purpose and Manifestation.
By envisioning his fiery red-orange energy, which correlates with being grounded in the red root chakra and the creative, passion-driven, emotional orange sacral chakra. Check out EveryBody in Mind Wellness Center’s 7 Chakra Crystal Bed Therapy for an amazing chakra alignment!
At the end of this guide, you will see a link for a free gift to a guided meditation recording.
This meditation will aid you in receiving a healing connection with this strong Archangel.

Archangel Nathaniel
January: Angelic Wisdom to get 2021 started on the right foot.
Now that the calendar has flipped to a new month and a new year, it is time to consider what you want to learn.
Accordingly, the Eight of Earth indicates you are encouraged to learn all you can about a subject or a career.
Perhaps consider going back to school for additional training or finding a mentor in your desired field to guide your new path.
This is also a message of continuing to do the skilled work you love in the various roles you play in your life.
Thus, it will be essential for you to mind your thoughts this month.
Influenced by the Eight of Winter, this card challenges limiting beliefs that are getting in the way.
Self-belief is all it takes.
Working on self-confidence, by affirming positive self-talk and challenging negative scripts is key.
The energy to bring is the Two of Spring, another indication partnership toward long-term goals will be beneficial.
This applies to fitness, career, or companionship. Getting out of your head, sharing thoughts and ideas, and making connections are beneficial.
Trust that people want to support you.
Remember that the Angels send people to support us on projects and relationships that are in alignment with life-purpose.
The Ego card indicates contending with feeling trapped, insecurity, and coping with possible addictions. Not only can it indicate over-reliance on substances for self-soothing, but also the familiarity of self-sabotaging, shaming, and guilt-inducing patterns. It is imperative to commit to releasing these patterns. Entrapment is simply an illusion.
Accepting responsibility for your situation, and then making choices that support a path to happiness will lead to success.
Influencing the Ego is the now-familiar Eight of Earth.
You are being asked to exercise patience, as you are still in the research and development phase of your growth project.
However, you are moving toward change as the Seven of Summer’s strong message is telling you to stop procrastinating and make a decision.
Confusion is the result of overanalysis and negative thought patterns.
Tuning into your heart to determine the truth leads to preparation to act accordingly.
This angelic wisdom to begin 2021 will help you transition into the third month of the year with ease.
With the arrival of March, there will be a movement towards feeling more optimistic.
As such, the Magician card indicates the presence that what you need to be a success will manifest, and if you believe it you can do it.
This message is encouragingly influenced by Queen of Spring who reassures you it is possible to believe in yourself, and that people want to help you.
If things move into a faster gear, be sure to maintain a balance between work and home life.
The energy of flexibility is inherent in Life Experience. Both in terms of what the outcome could look like, as well as a willingness to let go of belief systems that no longer serve one.
What is coming will be an important, life-changing event that leads to significant opportunities.
In order to support you with connecting with your purpose and living this Angelic wisdom to begin 2021 over the next few months, I have created this guided Healing Meditation with Archangel Nathaniel.
Closing Words from Maureen Mann
I hope the first months of 2021 are times of inspired planning, connections, and confidence.
Heed the Angels’ messages to release any limiting beliefs which make you doubt this year can bring you what you desire.
This blog is written by Guest Contributor, Maureen Mann of Maureen Mann Spiritual Counseling. Maureen offers personalized angel readings virtually at EveryBody in Mind Wellness Center. Click here to book a 30-minute or 60-minute reading with her today.
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