The Best Crystals for Hypnosis
Hypnosis Crystals
Wondering about what crystals have to do with hypnosis? If you’ve ever tried meditation, hypnotherapy, or self-hypnosis, you know how powerful the sessions can be, but what if you could enhance the benefits to be even stronger and deeper?
Adding crystals to your hypnosis practice and sessions can assist you in clearing out old energy. This revitalizes your chakras (energy centers) and elevates your emotions to a higher vibration.
When using any of these relaxation techniques, you are working with energy, a vibration, or frequency. Crystals vibrate at their own frequencies, too (just like humans, our thoughts, words, and feelings), and tapping into a frequency you desire to be on can be aided with the use of specific crystals, mantras, and focus.
What is Energy (Vibrational) Healing?
When working with hypnosis, you are accessing a very relaxed state of being, allowing you to reach the subconscious mind. By tapping in on this level, you can use the power of suggestion to make potent changes in your life.
You are changing your thoughts’ frequency(energy) by using these suggestions, which means patterns can shift, completely release old beliefs, and put yourself on a higher vibration of being.
We are energetic beings, each carrying our unique vibration. If something isn’t working in our lives, we have the power to change it by using our attention to shed light on our blockages and set ourselves free.
Thoughts are vibrations (they are what make up our beliefs), and these vibrations surround us, showing up as the reality we experience in our day-to-day lives. Hypnosis is a form of energy healing as it helps change the frequency our thoughts resonate, bringing about a new reality and a new environment for us to experience on the physical, mental, and emotional levels.
Crystals can amplify these changes, as they also hold energy that can be harnessed to work with your physical body, energy system, and goals.
Related: Best Crystals for The Office
How to Work With Crystals in Hypnosis
Knowing which crystals to use may take some quick research, as every crystal has a different purpose for healing. Utilizing their energy is easy, as you can simply ask the crystal to assist you while you hold it or place it around you for your session.
If you have a bunch of crystals but don’t know what they are, simply by noticing their color, you have the ability to choose the best ones for your purpose. Typically the chakras (your energy centers) correlate to a specific color, and matching up the same colored crystal can be beneficial, even if you’re unsure which crystals you’re using.
To be honest, there is no right or wrong way to choose the crystals you want to use. Hold each one in your left hand (your receiving hand) as you focus on something you want to heal, and notice how you feel. If you get a good feeling, use that crystal in your session. If not, see if another one catches your attention, and notice what kind of feeling you get.
You can also set up a crystal grid for yourself, or place the crystals on your body to experience the effects while meditating or undergoing a hypnosis session. Charging the crystals with your intentions and carrying them with you is also a common way to use their energy.
Related: 7 Best Crystals for Wealth and Success
Combining crystals with hypnosis
When in a hypnotherapy session, you focus your attention on a specific goal for healing. Crystals can enhance the experience by channeling their healing energy alongside the intention or goal during the session. When the two energies are combined, they work together on a deep level to move the flow of energy through any blocks or places it feels stuck, resistant, or restricted.
Certain crystals attune you to clear your field so you can receive information, help rebalance the chakra centers, enhance your confidence, and assist in healing past pain that prevents you from moving forward.
Doubling up on these powerful frequencies increases the body’s ability to accept the new suggestions to the subconscious, potentially making it easier for the changes to permanently stick.
Using your crystals in a session and infusing them with intention and goals “programs” them to assist you with that specific energy. You can then carry them around with you, place them in a grid or on your altar, or even sit and meditate with them to reactivate the connection with your subconscious.
Related: Crystals for New Beginnings
Best Crystals for Hypnosis
Here’s a list of crystals to use in your session that will assist you in succeeding with your goals in a hypnosis session.
1. Selenite is one of the best crystals for hypnosis
This crystal is known for its cleansing properties and opening up the crown chakra. This is a great choice when you want to clear out anything that is preventing you from moving forward. It will also help purify your energy field so you can be open to receiving the guidance and healing you need.
Use a selenite wand to help clear your field, hold a sphere when you meditate, or place a piece on your third eye to help you connect with the higher energies available for you to work with. Also, use Selenite to cleanse your other crystals, as it is a purifier of energies and doesn’t hold negativity.
Mantra: I am ready to receive the light and clear out what no longer serves my highest good.

Selenite Crystal for Hypnosis
2. Black Tourmaline
This is a great stone for protection and grounding. When in a session, grounding your energy will help you assimilate and integrate the suggestions to your subconscious. It also assists you with feeling safe and secure within yourself and your life.
Hold Black Tourmaline in your left hand when meditating or in a session to receive its protective energy. Alternatively, you can place it on your pelvic center or at the bottom of your feet to receive its grounding. This is a great stone to carry to protect you from outside negativity.
Mantra: I am grounded and protected. It is safe, right, and good to flow with life.

Black Tourmaline Crystal for Hypnosis
3. Malachite
Known as a stone of transformation, Malachite will assist you in drawing out negative energies in your body and opens you up to the willingness to make changes in your life. It helps you say yes to your own growth and embrace the process of transforming.
Put malachite on your heart center or abdomen as you welcome the transformative vibrations it carries. Malachite is also a perfect stone to wear as a necklace or bracelet. This is a reminder that it’s ok to make changes for your growth.
Mantra: I am willing to experience a change, even if I don’t know what it is.

Malachite Crystal for Hypnosis
4. Clear Quartz crystal for hypnosis
Quartz is a stone of clarity and amplification and can enhance your ability to focus. It also amplifies the energies of other crystals when used together. Quartz is a great go-to for connecting with the energy of the Universe and embodying higher frequencies.
Hold Quartz in both hands or place it on your third eye during meditation. This is a great stone to program with intentions and carry with you, as it will help you remain focused on your movement forward.
Mantra: I am clear and focused on my goals, and I am open to receiving guidance, wisdom, and healing.

Clear quartz crystal for hypnosis
5. Tiger’s Eye
A stone of courage, Tiger’s Eye can aid in the forward movement in your life. It helps you feel more confident and opens your power center to help you shine your unique light into the world without fear. When it comes to adapting to something new, this is a perfect choice to help you transition into the unknown.
Tiger’s eye can be placed on your abdomen to assist you in opening up your courage and confidence, and wearing it can help anchor these feelings on a deep level. Also, carry it when faced with challenges or when working towards big goals that require you to step out of your comfort zone.
Mantra: I am available to be the most confident version of myself I can be in this moment, and I trust I will be led where I need to go.

Tiger’s Eye Crystal for Hypnosis
6. Rose Quartz
Open up your heart center to receive changes with love. Anchor in the vibration of compassion and forgiveness. Lovingly leave behind the things that no longer serve you with Rose Quartz. Compassion for the self when transforming your life is key to making a permanent change and working through all the hard stuff you encounter during the process.
Place Rose Quartz on your heart or hold it in your left hand to welcome feelings of unconditional love. Wearing it as a necklace helps to open your heart chakra while seeing people or situations with compassion and kindness. Love is the highest vibration, and Rose Quartz helps you accept it into your experience and let the lower frequencies fade away.
Mantra: I welcome unconditional love and compassion into my body, mind, and spirit.

Rose Quartz Crystal for Hypnosis
7. Lapis Lazuli
This crystal will help you communicate your truth to yourself and the world. Lapis Lazuli is a stone of self-awareness. It will help you step into your next level as you uncover the truth of who you are and share that with the world without fear, doubt, or worry.
Wear Lapis Lazuli as a necklace to help unlock the power of your truth. Speak your new self into existence. Unblock the throat chakra and use your words to positively reinforce your goals and progress.
Mantra: I am available to radiate my highest truth to the world.

Lapis Lazuli Crystal for Hypnosis
Final Thoughts on Best Hypnosis Crystals
You can use many different crystals to enhance your healing or hypnosis experience. We have explored some of the most common ones. Be sure to check out our blog to learn more about crystal healing and suggestions on other stones to use for wealth and success, manifestation and abundance, and more!
However you choose to incorporate the healing frequencies of crystals into your practice is entirely up to you. Trust your intuition when choosing what’s right for you.
Check out our crystal shop for a selection of stones you can work with to assist your healing journey. If you’re interested in setting up a hypnotherapy session with one of our practitioners, check us out here.
Making changes in your life doesn’t have to be difficult. Are you looking for help in achieving your goals with clarity, motivation, and creativity? Consider adding crystals to your practice or sessions. This will help ease the transition and anchor in the higher vibrations that will help you achieve greater success.